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HBO's The Last of Us Season 2 May Include Lost Levels

Writer's picture: Court LalondeCourt Lalonde

last of us

Season 2 of HBO's hit show The Last of Us is yet to start filming, but co-creator of the game and show Neil Drukman told Entertainment Weekly in an interview that some material from deleted scenes from The Last of Us Part 2 might be in the show.

Druckman said to Entertainment Weekly, "As a tease, I will say there is at least one element from a cut level that is planned for the show," Druckman says. "I say that with the caveat that we haven't started filming the show yet, and all things are subject to change based on what we ultimately feel will be best for the show."

Druckman continued to say, "The Lost Levels are very much focused on offering a sneak peek into The Last of Us Part II's original development and deepen fans' appreciation for the studio's creative work. While the TV show has diverged from the original works to suit the medium and likely will again, these levels are not meant to be indicative of work on the HBO show, which is separate from Part II Remastered's development."

It looks like Druckman is trying to lower expectations of what we will see in the video game and the show, but you can bet fans of the show are more excited to play the game now.

So it might not make it into the show, but with the sooner-to-be-released The Last of Us Part II Remastered, eager fans might not have that long to find out what he is referring to.

The Last of Us Part II Remastered for PS5 is set to release on January 19th, 2024 and is said to include deleted unfinished scenes in the game with commentary from Druckman himself.

The Last of Us Part 2

Bella Ramsey appeared recently on The Movie Podcast, and when asked if she would play The Last of Us Part II Remastered, she said yes. She said she had never played The Last of US Part 1 before shooting but would be playing The Last of Us Part II Remastered.

Are you excited to jump into The Last of Us Part II Remastered? Let us know in the comments.


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